Sermon Series


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Focus – Week 4

October 1st, 2023

nxiety and worry seem to be present everywhere, a lot of these struggles seem to become more prevalent specifically when we think about the future […]

Posted in Focus
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Focus – Week 3

September 24th, 2023

Sometimes its may seem confusing and complicated to follow God’s Word for our lives. Fortunately Jesus emphasized what was most important to focus on “love […]

Posted in Focus
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Focus – Week 2

September 17th, 2023

We all deal with distractions; some big and overwhelming, others small yet still impactful when it comes to our faith. So how do we avoid […]

Posted in Focus
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Focus – Week 1

September 10th, 2023

Have you ever feel worn down, too busy, and distant from God? If you are like most people, feelings like these are fairly normal for […]

Posted in Focus