Growing Your Kids to Love God and His Word
At LCC there are many ways we want to help you implement Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Children can attend an age appropriate educational classes.
“ROOTED” is a full hour worship service geared for your kids held during our Modern Service for students in grades 1st-5th and also offer a paralleled class called "Sprouts" for those under kindergarten.
If you are looking for a community to grow, laugh and share, then LCC is what you are you looking for.Feel free to join us at any of special events or during our regular programs.

We value growing in the knowledge of God and community, joining in an education class is a great way to do that while enjoying yourself. Class is offered in the library and taught by Bob N.
Young Adult (YAM)
you are a young adult and find yourself looking for a community to grow, laugh and share, then Lakeview Christian Church is what you are you looking for. Feel free to join us at any of special events or during our regular programs.

We value growing in the knowledge of God and community, joining in an education class is a great way to do that while enjoying yourself. If you are of the age of under 30 and identify as a young adult and what to dig deep this is for you.
The Women’s Ministry at Lakeview Christian Church, is committed to connecting women to Jesus and one another. We want to be real women who share our true stories of our amazing God.

If you are looking for a time of fellowship, you can join our women for quilting (Monday nights and Saturday mornings), monthly breakfast outings, a weekend retreat, or participate in their year long Secret Sister program.
Each of these opportunities provides a unique chance to meet and connect with other ladies in the church.
The desire we have for the Men’s Ministry is to help every man at Lakeview Christian Church become the man God has called him to be.

We want to take men on a journey of transformation—developing a strong relationship with God, for the pursuit of His Glory, and in constant worship of Him.
Through challenging, equipping, and empowering the men of this region to lead, we desire to see healthy marriages, joy-filled homes, and safe neighborhoods.
Adult Education
Our education process is built on simple principles. We seek to follow Christ fully, and the best way to do that is in community. Through intimate fellowship with each other, we can encourage, challenge and comfort one another.

At Lakeview, we offer several opportunities for you to be involved in this type of fellowship. These gatherings consists of 15-30 people who meet for fellowship, study and prayer. If you are looking to get more involved at Lakeview, or feel a need for deeper Bible Study, this is a great place to start.
We at Lakeview Christian Church believe that involvement in missions is not optional. It is what the church is all about.
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The importance of this command is again stressed when it is repeated four additional times (Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:47; John 20:21; Acts 1:8).
What oxygen is to fire, missions are to the church. As fire exists by burning, so the church exists by missions. No missions, no church. The missions committee strives to provide education for the congregation concerning the ministry and needs of its missionaries through regular monthly reports. Lakeview supports several ministries throughout the world. We offer to support to local ministries as well as missionaries across the globe.
Short Term Missions
We encourage short term mission trips. The primary purpose of such trips is to cultivate interest in mission work. This is accomplished through arranging direct exposure and experience in the mission field for congregation members. We have recently taken trips to Mexico, Brazil, Barbados and Joplin. Several future trips are already being planned.
Christian Education
In addition to supporting missionaries, Lakeview Christian Church also strongly believes in the value of Christian Education.
Hope Counseling
We are excited to introduce a new ministry here at Lakeview Christian Church Hope Counseling, a biblically-based, professional Christian counseling service!*

Tim Morber: M.Ed., LPCC-S
Call: 234-360-1939
Confidential and Private Counseling
Professional Counseling Services
Direct and Easy to Contact
Licensed Professional Counselor
Deep Community Roots
Trusted Community Service
* The State of Ohio requires counselors and others, including pastors, to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect, which may be a legal breach of one's privacy and confidentiality.