5 Day Devotionals

Romans – Week of 9/8

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Devotion 1: Jesus Rescues Me

Theme: Jesus rescues us from sin and death.

Scripture: Romans 5:1-8

Activity Time: Morning Devotion


  1. Read Romans 5:1-8: Take your time to read the passage slowly and reflect on each verse.
  2. Reflection Questions:
    • What does it mean to be rescued by Jesus?
    • How has Jesus rescued you personally?
    • Why do you think Jesus chose to rescue us even though we are sinners?
  3. Illustration: Think about a time when you felt “stuck” in life. How did Jesus help you get “unstuck” from that situation?
  4. Prayer: Thank Jesus for rescuing you and ask Him to help you live for Him each day.

Personal Tip: Write down your reflections in a journal. This will help you see how Jesus has been working in your life over time.

Devotion 2: The Timing of Jesus’ Rescue

Theme: God’s perfect timing in sending Jesus.

Scripture: Romans 5:6

Activity Time: Lunch Break


  1. Read Romans 5:6: Reflect on the verse and its meaning.
  2. Reflection Questions:
    • What does it mean that Jesus came at the “right time”?
    • Can you think of a time when something happened at just the right moment in your life?
  3. Illustration: Reflect on a personal story where something happened at the perfect time. How did you see God’s hand in that situation?
  4. Prayer: Thank God for His perfect timing and ask Him to help you trust His timing in your life.

Personal Tip: Take a few moments to meditate on God’s timing and how it has played a role in your life. Write down any insights that come to mind.

Devotion 3: Transformed Through Trials

Theme: God uses trials to transform us.

Scripture: Romans 5:3-4; James 1:2-3

Activity Time: Evening Devotion


  1. Read Romans 5:3-4 and James 1:2-3: Reflect on the passages and their meaning.
  2. Reflection Questions:
    • What are trials you have faced?
    • How have these trials helped you grow?
    • Can you see how God has used difficult times to strengthen your faith?
  3. Illustration: Think about the process of a butterfly transforming from a caterpillar. Reflect on how your struggles have made you stronger.
  4. Prayer: Ask God to help you see the good in your trials and to trust Him through difficult times.

Personal Tip: Keep a gratitude journal where you note down how God has used trials to transform you. This will help you see His faithfulness in your life.

Devotion 4: Peace with God

Theme: Jesus gives us peace with God.

Scripture: Romans 5:1; John 20:21

Activity Time: Afternoon Break


  1. Read Romans 5:1 and John 20:21: Reflect on the verses and their meaning.
  2. Reflection Questions:
    • What is peace to you?
    • How does Jesus give you peace?
    • Why is it important to have peace with God?
  3. Illustration: Think about a time when you felt a deep sense of peace. How did Jesus provide that peace for you?
  4. Prayer: Thank Jesus for giving you peace and ask Him to help you share His peace with others.

Personal Tip: Take a few moments to sit quietly and meditate on the peace that Jesus gives. Let this peace fill your heart and mind.

Devotion 5: Living a New Life

Theme: Living a new life in Jesus.

Scripture: Romans 6:1-4

Activity Time: Evening Walk


  1. Read Romans 6:1-4: Reflect on the passage and its meaning.
  2. Reflection Questions:
    • What does it mean to live a new life in Jesus?
    • How can you show that you are living for Jesus?
    • What changes can you make to live more like Jesus?
  3. Illustration: As you walk, observe new growth in nature (e.g., flowers, leaves). Reflect on how you are growing in your new life with Jesus.
  4. Prayer: Ask Jesus to help you live your new life for Him and to show His love to others.

Personal Tip: Use your walk to create a relaxed and open environment for reflection. Take note of the new growth you see and how it parallels your spiritual growth.

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