5 Day Devotionals

Romans – Week of 9/2

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Devotion 1: The Real Problem – Shaped by the World

Scripture: Romans 1:18-25


  1. Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer asking God to help you understand His Word and to shape your heart.
  2. Read the Scripture: Read Romans 1:18-25 aloud or silently.
  3. Reflection:
    • Reflect on how sin separates us from God and how the world tries to shape our hearts and minds.
    • Question for Reflection: “In what ways have I allowed the world to shape me? How can I allow God to shape me instead?”
  4. Activity:
    • Take a piece of paper and write down the ways you feel the world has influenced you.
    • On the other side, write down how you want God to shape you (e.g., more loving, patient, kind).
  5. Closing Prayer: Pray, asking God to help shape your heart to be more like Jesus and to resist the influences of the world.

Tip: Keep the paper as a reminder of your commitment to let God shape you.

Devotion 2: The Rescue – Touched by Jesus

Scripture: Romans 1:16


  1. Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer asking God to help you understand His love and rescue.
  2. Read the Scripture: Read Romans 1:16 aloud or silently.
  3. Reflection:
    • Reflect on the power of the gospel and how Jesus came to rescue us from sin.
    • Question for Reflection: “How has Jesus rescued me in my life? How does it feel to be rescued by Him?”
  4. Activity:
    • Write a short letter to Jesus, thanking Him for the specific ways He has rescued you and expressing your gratitude.
  5. Closing Prayer: Pray, thanking Jesus for His rescue and asking Him to help you share His love with others.

Tip: Revisit this letter whenever you need a reminder of Jesus’ love and rescue.

Devotion 3: The Call – Transformed Life

Scripture: Ephesians 4:27


  1. Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer asking God to help you understand how to live a transformed life.
  2. Read the Scripture: Read Ephesians 4:27 aloud or silently.
  3. Reflection:
    • Reflect on the importance of not giving the devil a foothold in your life.
    • Question for Reflection: “What are some things in my life that might give the devil a foothold? How can I keep my heart and mind focused on Jesus?”
  4. Activity:
    • Make a list of habits or thoughts that you need to change to avoid giving the devil a foothold.
    • Write down practical steps you can take to focus more on Jesus (e.g., daily prayer, reading the Bible, acts of kindness).
  5. Closing Prayer: Pray, asking God to help you live a life that is transformed by His love and to resist the devil’s influence.

Tip: Review your list regularly and track your progress in making these changes.

Devotion 4: God Chooses Us

Scripture: Romans 3:23


  1. Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer asking God to help you understand His love and choice.
  2. Read the Scripture: Read Romans 3:23 aloud or silently.
  3. Reflection:
    • Reflect on the fact that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, but God still chooses and loves us.
    • Question for Reflection: “How does it feel to know that God chooses me even when I make mistakes? How can I show God’s love to others?”
  4. Activity:
    • Write down one person you can show God’s love to this week and how you plan to do it (e.g., a kind word, a helping hand, a prayer).
  5. Closing Prayer: Pray, asking God to help you show His love to others and to remind you of His choice and love for you.

Tip: Follow through on your plan to show God’s love and reflect on the experience.

Devotion 5: Changed for a Purpose

Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-12


  1. Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer asking God to help you understand your purpose.
  2. Read the Scripture: Read Ephesians 6:10-12 aloud or silently.
  3. Reflection:
    • Reflect on the call to stand strong in the Lord and put on the full armor of God.
    • Question for Reflection: “What does it mean to put on the armor of God? How can I stand strong in the Lord every day?”
  4. Activity:
    • Write down one thing you can do today to stand strong in the Lord (e.g., prayer, reading Scripture, an act of kindness).
    • Commit to doing this one thing and reflect on how it helps you stand strong.
  5. Closing Prayer: Pray, asking God to help you stand strong and fulfill His purpose for your life.

Tip: Make standing strong in the Lord a daily habit and reflect on your growth over time.

Encouragement: Remember, the goal is to develop as a disciple of Jesus. Be patient with yourself, stay committed, and celebrate your growth in understanding and living out your faith.

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