Quick Thoughts


Incredible Selfless Service Comes From Jesus

By Andrew George | February 2, 2024

To live Selfless Requires Transformative Power In a recent sermon by Drew, he gave a call to selfless living. The message resonates with the […]

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The First Church Offered Incredible Devotion

By Andrew George | February 1, 2024

A Call to Live Like the Acts Church Church is a world that can evoke several different definitions from people. At Lakeview Christian Church […]

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Being a Servant Like Jesus

By Andrew George | January 30, 2024

Embracing the Heart of a Servant Servant is not a typical term we use for someone of power or position. Yet this is exactly […]

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Transformed by Amazing Grace

By Andrew George | January 29, 2024

Living a Righteous Life through Jesus Marked by Grace God’s grace is one of the most profound and beautiful aspects of the Christian faith. […]

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The Significance of Genuine Motives in Our Spiritual Journey

By Andrew George | January 26, 2024

The Call for Authentic Motives Our Motives are often far more important than we think they are. In a recent sermon, Jim delivered a […]

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Building True and Incredible Fellowship

By Andrew George | January 25, 2024

United in Christ Leads to Fellowship Fellowship is more than just being together and in a world often marked by superficial connections and fleeting […]

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Embracing Unity in Christ

By Andrew George | January 23, 2024

A Reflection on Tyler’s Prayer for Unity In this heartfelt prayer for Unity, inspired by John 17:20-26, Tyler leads us in a reflection on […]

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The Church Beyond Walls: A Drastic Difference

By Andrew George | January 22, 2024

Embracing Fellowship, Community, and Service: The Ture Call of the Church Church at Lakeview Christian is a little bit different. Recently Jim passionately spoke […]

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God is working, and Jesus is changing lives!!! Making them Significantly Better

By Andrew George | January 19, 2024

God is working in ways we can not see God is working, and Jesus is changing lives. It is a testament to the transformative […]

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