Unity in Diversity: The Body of Christ


At Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, we believe in the power of unity in diversity. Our mission, “Be the Change as Jesus Has Changed Us,” is lived out through our “Just 3” principles: Study, Share, and Serve. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of unity in diversity within the body of Christ, as highlighted in Jim’s recent sermon, and how it strengthens our community.

The Body of Christ

In Romans 12:4-5, Paul writes, “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” This metaphor of the body of Christ beautifully illustrates the diversity and unity within the church.

Diversity of Gifts

Each member of the body of Christ has unique gifts and talents. Paul lists several of these gifts in Romans 12:6-8, including prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership, and mercy. These gifts are given according to the grace of God and are meant to be used for the benefit of the entire body.

The Importance of Unity

While we are all different, we are united in our faith in Jesus Christ. This unity is essential for the health and growth of the church. As Jim mentioned, “Members of one body don’t check out at the door. We’re always there for one another.” This means that we support and encourage each other, not just on Sundays but every day of the week.

Living Out Our Gifts

Using our gifts is not just a personal benefit but a way to strengthen the entire body of Christ. Here are some practical ways to live out our gifts:

  1. Prophecy: Share God’s truth with others. Your words can provide guidance and encouragement.
  2. Service: Meet practical needs within the church and community. Your actions can make a significant impact.
  3. Teaching: Impart knowledge and wisdom. Lead a Bible study or teach a class to help others grow in their faith.
  4. Exhortation: Encourage and uplift others. Be a source of support and motivation.
  5. Giving: Contribute generously. Your financial support can help fund important church activities and outreach programs.
  6. Leadership: Guide and direct others. Take on a leadership role to help the church fulfill its mission.
  7. Mercy: Show compassion and kindness. Visit the sick, comfort the grieving, and support those in need.

The Role of the Church

At Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, we are committed to helping each member discover and use their gifts. Our “Just 3” principles guide us in this mission:

  1. Study: To love and know God. Engage in regular Bible study and prayer to deepen your relationship with Him.
  2. Share: To know and love others. Build relationships and share the love of Christ through acts of service.
  3. Serve: Love in action. Put your gifts into practice by serving in the church and the community.


Unity in diversity is a powerful concept that strengthens the body of Christ. By embracing our unique gifts and using them to serve others, we can make a significant impact on our church and community. Let’s live out our mission to “Be the Change as Jesus Has Changed Us” by studying, sharing, and serving together.



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