“Building Our Lives on Jesus: Cornerstone of a Great Life”

a bigger story featured

“Understanding Our Role in the Body of Jesus Christ Through Undeserved Grace”

In Tyler’s impactful message, he delves into the theme of undeserved grace and highlights the crucial role that Jesus plays in our lives as the cornerstone of salvation. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to recognize that our ability to fulfill our roles stems from what Jesus has done for us. Acts chapter 4 emphasizes that salvation is found in no one else but Christ, the rejected stone that has become the cornerstone of our faith.

The Cornerstone of Salvation

The passage in Acts chapter 4 vividly portrays Jesus as the cornerstone—the foundation upon which our faith rests. Tyler reminds us that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus. He is the cornerstone of our lives, the one upon whom our faith is built. When we build our lives on Christ and Christ alone, we have access to the grace extended to us through His sacrifice.

Our Role in the Body of Christ

As members of the body of Christ, each of us has a unique role to play. However, Tyler emphasizes that our ability to fulfill these roles is contingent upon our connection with God. He is the source of our strength, our purpose, and our salvation. Without Him, we are powerless to do any good. It is only through our relationship with Jesus that we can truly make a difference in the world around us.

Accepting Christ as the Cornerstone

Tyler encourages us to reflect on whether Jesus is truly the cornerstone of our lives. Have we built our lives on Him and Him alone? Accepting Him as the cornerstone means acknowledging His lordship over every aspect of our lives. It means surrendering our own desires and ambitions to His will. When we make Jesus the foundation of our lives, we can have confidence that we are in good company, surrounded by His grace and mercy.

Embracing Christ as Our Foundation

As we commune together and reflect on the concept of Jesus as the building block of our lives, Tyler urges us to ensure that He is the cornerstone of our existence. Our salvation, our purpose, and our identity are all found in Him. Let us build our lives on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, knowing that He alone can sustain us through life’s challenges and trials.

A Vision for Unity and Transformation

As we center our lives on Jesus, the cornerstone of our faith, we envision a community transformed by His love and grace. Let’s strive to embody His teachings, extending love and compassion to all those around us. Together, let’s create a community where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and loved. By building our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ, we can truly make a difference in the world, bringing hope, healing, and restoration to all who need it. Let’s journey together, united in our commitment to follow Jesus and share His love with the world.

A Call to Action

Let us be committed to making Jesus the cornerstone of our lives. Let’s surrender ourselves fully to His lordship and allow Him to guide and direct our paths. As we do, we will experience the fullness of His grace and salvation, and we will be empowered to fulfill our roles in the body of Christ.

Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes invites you to join us in building our lives on Jesus, the cornerstone of our faith and salvation. Together, let’s embrace His grace and love as we fulfill our roles in the body of Christ.



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