Lakeview Christian Church Embracing the Amazing Journey. <3

Philemon - Love changes everything

Join the Race: Embracing the Journey with Lakeview Christian Church We run together at Lakeview Christian Church in Portage Lakes.

We run together at Lakeview Christian Church in Portage Lakes. There is a sentiment that echoes through Jim’s recent sermon at Lakeview Christian Church in Portage Lakes, inviting us to ponder the essence of our spiritual journey. It is easy to see our time filled with endless pursuits and commitments, but there’s a question that often whispers in the corners of our minds: Am I prepared for the things that really matter?

Drawing from the words of Paul, Jim emphasized the urgency to engage actively in our faith journey. “To get in the race, you can’t remain on the sidelines,” he passionately expressed. It’s not enough to occupy a comfortable spot in the pews or chairs; true participation demands action. As members of the Lakeview community, Jim urged us to rise from complacency and embrace the challenge ahead.

“Forget the past, and fix your gaze upon the finish line,” Jim exclaimed, his voice brimming with conviction. With Jesus awaiting us at the end of our journey, there’s an undeniable urge to run with all our might. “When I see him, I’m going to run faster than ever before,” Jim declared, igniting a spark of determination within the congregation. We all have fallen short of God’s perfection and as such have a choice to live to our old identity as a failure and a captive. Or we can choose to live to the identity that God offers as children of God, valuable because we are His, made whole through His work, and freed to live in the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Yet, Jim reminded us that we’re not called to race alone. “I want to run alongside each one of you,” he expressed earnestly. With a heart full of love for those around him, Jim extended an invitation to join hands in this divine marathon. “Let’s get in the game together,” he urged, emphasizing the importance of surrounding ourselves with faithful companions who uplift and support us. This togetherness is what we strive to provide at Lakeview Christian Church. A community where we encourage one another to keep pressing on to know God more and experience His goodness.

As the sermon drew to a close, Jim invoked a prayer for strength and perseverance. “Father, give us strength when ours falters, and surround us with faithful companions who lift us up,” he prayed, a collective amen resonating throughout the sanctuary.

With these words lingering in our hearts, the message reverberates: our journey of faith is not solitary but communal. Together, as members of Lakeview Christian Church, let us heed the call to join the race, strive toward the finish line with unwavering determination, and embrace the grace that sustains us along the way. The race is something that can often be exciting to start but then can become hard as our muscles soar and tiered. This is when the encouragement and support of the body of Christ is critical as when our strength runs out we need others to help keep us on track. While not executed perfectly this support is offered in abundance at Lakeview Christian Church in Portage Lakes. We believe this community is essential for individual growth but the whole body also needs your talents and abilities.

In addition to the spiritual race we are called to run, Lakeview Christian Church offers numerous opportunities to get involved and grow together. From Bible study groups to community outreach programs, there is a place for everyone to contribute and flourish. Our children’s and youth ministries are vibrant spaces where the next generation learns about God’s love in engaging and meaningful ways. We also have support groups for those facing life’s challenges, offering a safe haven for healing and restoration.

Our worship services are designed to uplift and inspire, featuring heartfelt music, thoughtful messages, and a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels at home. Fellowship events and social gatherings provide additional chances to build lasting friendships and deepen our connections with one another.

As we journey together at Lakeview Christian Church, it is essential to recognize the power of shared experiences. The bonds we form within our church family provide a foundation of strength and resilience. These connections are vital as we navigate the various seasons of life, from moments of joy and celebration to times of sorrow and struggle. The support and encouragement we receive from our fellow believers empower us to persevere, even when the race feels arduous.

Lakeview Christian Church is more than just a place of worship; it is a vibrant community where lives are transformed, and hearts are renewed. Our small group ministries offer intimate settings for deeper fellowship and spiritual growth, allowing us to share our journeys and pray for one another in meaningful ways. These groups become a source of accountability, helping us stay committed to our spiritual goals.

Additionally, our outreach programs extend beyond the walls of the church, touching the lives of those in our local community and beyond. By participating in these initiatives, we have the opportunity to live out our faith in practical ways, demonstrating God’s love through acts of kindness and service. This outward focus not only blesses others but also enriches our own spiritual lives, giving us a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As we continue to run this race together, let us remember that every step we take, we do so with the strength that comes from God and the support of our church family. Together, we can overcome any obstacle, achieve our spiritual goals, and experience the abundant life that God has promised us. Join us at Lakeview Christian Church, and let’s embrace this journey of faith with enthusiasm, commitment, and unwavering hope.

Scripture Reference: Philippians 3:14 (NIV) – “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Join us at Lakeview Christian Church in Portage Lakes as we embark on this transformative journey of faith. Through study, share, and serve, let’s discover the boundless depths of knowing God and find fulfillment in embracing His divine purpose for our lives. Together, we can run the race marked out for us, encouraging one another along the way, and ultimately, crossing the finish line into the loving arms of our Savior.



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