Hurricane Relief for Asheville, NC
Lakeview Christian Church is partnering with NOBPA  to collect and deliver essential supplies to hurricane victims in Asheville, NC.

God is working, and Jesus is changing lives!!! Making them Significantly Better


God is working in ways we can not see

God is working, and Jesus is changing lives. It is a testament to the transformative power of faith that even in our brokenness, we become vessels for divine change. This truth was eloquently highlighted in a recent sermon by Jim, where he emphasized the hunger people have for something greater than a mere book off the shelf. In this blog post, we delve into the profound implications of three powerful statements: “God is working!!! Jesus is changing lives!!! He is using broken people to do it.”

People Want Something Greater

Jim’s sermon sheds light on the universal longing for more than just words on a page. People hunger for a connection with something divine, a spiritual experience that transcends the mundane. This innate desire is a calling, a magnetic force drawing individuals toward the profound and transformative power of God’s word. As believers, we must recognize this hunger and respond to it with compassion and understanding.

In a world where superficial solutions abound, people are searching for meaning, purpose, and a genuine encounter with the divine. This presents an opportunity for the church to stand as a beacon of hope, offering the ultimate fulfillment found in Jesus Christ. As we engage with individuals seeking something greater, let us share the profound impact that faith has had on our lives, testifying to the living and active presence of Jesus.

Call to the Church: Be Ready to Meet the Need in Love and Truth

Jim’s call for readiness resonates deeply with the responsibility of the church to be prepared to answer questions and provide guidance to those hungry for God’s word. Studying and meditating on His word day and night equips us to be ready ambassadors of the faith, capable of articulating the hope that lies within us.

The church is not just a physical structure; it is a living, breathing community of believers called to embody love and truth. As Jesus changes lives around the world, His transformative power is also at work in our local communities. Whether in Barberton, New Franklin, Canal Fulton, Akron, Green, Union Town, or Jackson Township, lives are being changed every single day. This is not just a distant phenomenon but a reality within our reach.

The transcript highlights that Jesus is not confined by geographical boundaries or cultural differences. He is actively changing lives in places like Africa, India, Russia, and within the mission fields supported by the church. Moreover, His transformative power is palpable in our everyday lives, providing a reason to rejoice and be glad each morning.

Jim’s reference to the psalmist’s declaration, “This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it,” underscores the continuous and unwavering nature of God’s work. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges and brokenness in the world, we have a reason to find joy in the certainty of God’s goodness and the ongoing transformation He brings.

“God is working!!! Jesus is changing lives!!! He is using broken people to do it” encapsulate a profound truth: our brokenness becomes a canvas for God’s masterpiece. As we embrace this truth, let us be attuned to the hunger for something greater, ready to meet it with love and truth, and continually celebrate the unceasing work of Jesus in our lives and around the world.

We must be willing to wait patiently as God is working out all things for His good. This patience can be done much easier when we look back and see how for all time for all of creation He has been working and so we can trust He still is.



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