Hurricane Relief for Asheville, NC
Lakeview Christian Church is partnering with NOBPA  to collect and deliver essential supplies to hurricane victims in Asheville, NC.

Embracing Authentic Ministry: Persevering Through Trials


In a world that often values superficiality and quick fixes, the call to live an authentic Christian life stands out as a beacon of hope and truth. At Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, we are reminded that our community is here to lift us up and encourage us, just as Paul encouraged the Thessalonians. As we embrace authentic ministry, we recognize the profound impact the Gospel has on our lives, helping us persevere through trials and strengthening our faith.

The Power of Community

The Apostle Paul understood the importance of community in the life of a believer. In 1 Thessalonians 2, he encouraged the early church to stand firm in their faith despite the challenges they faced. Similarly, our community at Lakeview Christian Church is here to support one another through personal struggles, societal pressures, and even persecution. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” emphasizing the role of community in our spiritual journey.

Authentic Ministry: Living Boldly for Christ

Authentic ministry requires us to live boldly for Christ, embodying the love He has given us. This involves being genuine in our relationships and actions, reflecting the character of Christ in all we do. As Paul stated, “we speak not to please man, but to please God” (1 Thessalonians 2:4). Our mission at Lakeview Christian Church is to “Be the change as Jesus has changed us,” and this begins with living authentically.

Study: Knowing and Loving God

Studying Scripture is essential to understanding God’s character and His call for authenticity. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teaches us that all Scripture is useful for teaching and equipping us for every good work. By immersing ourselves in God’s Word, we gain the wisdom and strength needed to persevere through life’s challenges.

Share: Knowing and Loving Others

Sharing our lives and faith with others builds trust and opens doors for deeper relationships. 1 Peter 3:15 encourages us to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have. By sharing our faith, we become stronger witnesses, living bolder lives for Christ.

Serve: Love in Action

Serving others with pure motives, driven by love for Christ, is a powerful testimony of the Gospel’s transformative power. Galatians 5:13 calls us to serve one another humbly in love. Through service, we embody the love of Christ and make a lasting impact on those around us.


In a world that often seeks quick fixes, the Gospel offers a deeper, more transformative solution. By embracing authentic ministry and living out our mission to study, share, and serve, we become powerful witnesses of Christ’s love. Let us stand firm in our faith, supported by our community, and live boldly for Christ.



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The Choice of Faith: All In or All Out

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Standing Firm in Faith: Embracing God’s Victory

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Standing Firm in Faith: Learning from the Thessalonians

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Unity in Diversity: The Body of Christ

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Posted in Quick Thought

The Call to Serve: Following Jesus’ Example

By Andrew George | October 10th, 2024
Posted in Quick Thought