Hurricane Relief for Asheville, NC
Lakeview Christian Church is partnering with NOBPA  to collect and deliver essential supplies to hurricane victims in Asheville, NC.

“But Jesus: A Story of Hope Amidst Life’s Trials”

Jesus is everything.

In this life, we are all bound to face challenges that test our faith, shake our foundations, and bring us to our knees. Yet, it is in these moments of profound despair that we find the true depth of our hope in Christ. Tyler’s story about his friend’s daughter, who was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor, reminds us of this enduring truth. In the midst of a situation where the world offers no hope, the peace that surpasses all understanding emerges—a peace found only in Jesus.

The Diagnosis: A Family’s Worst Nightmare Imagine receiving news that your child, full of life and promise, has been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. The doctors give you a timeline—weeks to months to live. The world would expect despair, anger, and a sense of hopelessness to overtake your every waking moment. For most, this news would feel like the end of the world. But for Tyler’s friend, a pastor in the area, this devastating diagnosis became a testimony of unwavering faith.

A Faith Unshaken In the face of such a grim prognosis, Tyler’s friend did not point to his own strength or resilience. Instead, he consistently directed glory away from himself and towards the One who gives him strength—Christ. This choice to focus on Jesus, even as his daughter faced a life-threatening illness, speaks volumes about the kind of faith that is rooted in something far greater than this world.

The Peace That Surpasses Understanding Tyler observed something remarkable in his friend—an almost rejoicing spirit, a sense of peace that could only come from Jesus. This peace wasn’t grounded in the hope of a miraculous earthly healing, though that was undoubtedly desired. Instead, it was rooted in the eternal hope that Jesus offers—a hope that transcends life and death.

1 John 5:4-5 reminds us, “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” Tyler’s friend embodies this truth. His peace, his hope, and his faith are anchored in the victory that Jesus has already won.

But Jesus: The Ultimate Answer As Tyler shared, the response to every trial, every heartache, and every fear is simply, “But Jesus.” This simple phrase carries profound meaning. It acknowledges the reality of our pain and suffering but immediately turns our focus back to the One who is greater than all of it. This perspective doesn’t deny the difficulty of our circumstances, but it does remind us that Jesus is present in the midst of them.

Consider the words of 1 John 5:11-12, “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Tyler’s friend understands this truth deeply. His hope is not tied to the fleeting moments of this world but is anchored in the promise of eternal life through Christ.

A Testimony of Eternal Hope The life that Tyler’s friend is hoping for is not of this world. It’s an eternal life, promised by Jesus to all who believe in Him. This perspective is not just for those facing extreme trials; it’s for all of us. In every moment of fear, in every instance of chaos, our hearts should be set on the eternal rather than the temporal.

Tyler’s story is a powerful reminder that bad things do happen in this world, but our response as believers should always be, “But Jesus.” It is a call to shift our focus from the here and now to the eternal promises of God.

Practical Application 1: Cultivating a “But Jesus” Mindset In our daily lives, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the challenges we face—whether they’re big or small. But what would it look like to respond to every situation with a “But Jesus” mindset? This doesn’t mean ignoring our problems or pretending they don’t exist. Instead, it’s about acknowledging the difficulty of our circumstances and then choosing to turn our focus to Jesus.

  • Daily Reflection: Each morning, take a few moments to remind yourself of Jesus’ presence in your life. No matter what the day brings, make a conscious effort to say, “But Jesus” when things get tough. This simple practice can help reframe your perspective and keep your focus on Christ throughout the day.
  • Scripture Meditation: Find a verse that speaks to your situation and meditate on it. For example, if you’re facing fear, meditate on 2 Timothy 1:7, which says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” When fear arises, counter it with this truth and remind yourself, “But Jesus.”

Practical Application 2: Turning to Prayer in Times of Trouble Prayer is our lifeline to Jesus in times of trouble. It’s where we can pour out our hearts, express our fears, and ask for the peace that only He can provide. In the story Tyler shared, his friend consistently turned to Jesus in prayer, seeking His peace and strength.

  • Create a Prayer Routine: Set aside time each day to pray, especially when you’re facing challenges. Whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or before bed, make it a habit to bring your struggles before Jesus. Start by thanking Him for His presence in your life, then lay your burdens at His feet.
  • Pray with Others: There’s power in praying with others. Find a trusted friend, family member, or small group with whom you can share your struggles and pray together. This not only strengthens your faith but also creates a support system that can help you stay focused on Jesus.

Practical Application 3: Anchoring Your Hope in Eternal Life One of the key messages in 1 John 5 is the assurance of eternal life through Christ. This eternal perspective can transform how we approach life’s difficulties.

  • Eternal Perspective Journaling: Start a journal where you reflect on how your current challenges are shaping your eternal perspective. Write about how these experiences are drawing you closer to Jesus and helping you to focus on the eternal rather than the temporary.
  • Share Your Testimony: Like Tyler’s friend, share your story with others. When you speak about how Jesus is your hope in the midst of trials, you not only encourage others but also reinforce your own faith. Your testimony can be a powerful reminder of the eternal life we have in Jesus.

Practical Application 4: Finding Strength in Community Tyler’s friend’s faith was undoubtedly strengthened by the community around him. As believers, we are not meant to walk through trials alone. The church, our friends, and our family are all part of the support system that God provides.

  • Engage in a Faith Community: Make it a priority to stay connected to your church community. Whether it’s through attending services, joining a small group, or participating in church events, being surrounded by other believers can provide the encouragement and support you need.
  • Be Vulnerable: Don’t be afraid to share your struggles with others. Vulnerability fosters connection and allows others to support you in prayer and practical ways. Remember, it’s okay to admit when you’re struggling—your faith community is there to help point you back to Christ.

Personal Reflection: Finding Jesus in Your Struggles It’s easy to read stories like this and think, “I don’t know if I could have that kind of faith.” But the truth is, this kind of faith isn’t something we muster up on our own. It’s a gift from God, nurtured through a relationship with Christ. So, what does it look like to have a “But Jesus” mindset in your own life?

Reflect on your current struggles. Perhaps you’re facing a difficult diagnosis, a broken relationship, financial stress, or the loss of a loved one. Whatever it is, acknowledge the pain and the reality of your situation. Then, turn your heart toward Jesus. Let His peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart and mind (Philippians 4:7).

A Call to Prayer: Inviting Jesus Into Your Pain Prayer is our lifeline to Jesus in times of trouble. It’s where we can pour out our hearts, express our fears, and ask for the peace that only He can provide. Take a moment to pray, inviting Jesus into your specific situation. Ask Him to help you see beyond the immediate and to place your hope in the eternal.

The Assurance of Victory 1 John 5:13 says, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” This assurance of eternal life is the ultimate victory for every believer. It’s the reason we can say “But Jesus” in the face of any trial. Tyler’s friend’s story is a living testimony of this victory, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, we have the assurance of eternal life with Christ.

Living with a “But Jesus” Mindset As you go about your daily life, practice the “But Jesus” mindset. When challenges arise, remind yourself that Jesus is greater. When you feel overwhelmed, turn your focus to Him. This doesn’t mean your problems will disappear, but it does mean you’ll face them with a peace and hope that the world cannot give.

Conclusion: The Glory Belongs to Jesus Ultimately, the story Tyler shared is not just about a pastor’s remarkable faith—it’s about Jesus. It’s a reminder that our lives should point not to our own strength, but to the glory of Jesus Christ. He is the source of our hope, our peace, and our eternal life. In every trial and every victory, let us echo the words, “But Jesus,”



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