Authentic Faith: Beyond Religious Rituals


At Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, our mission is to “Be the change as Jesus has changed us.” This mission calls us to live out our faith authentically, moving beyond mere religious rituals to a genuine relationship with God. In a recent sermon, we explored the importance of aligning our hearts with God’s will, as highlighted in Isaiah 58:8-9.

The Call for Authenticity

God’s message to the Israelites was clear: He desires authenticity over ritual. The Israelites were fasting and praying, but their hearts were not truly in it. They were attempting to manipulate God through religious hoops, but God saw through their actions. He wanted their hearts, not just their rituals. This is a powerful reminder for us today. How often do we find ourselves going through the motions of religious practices without truly engaging our hearts? God is not impressed by our outward displays of piety if our hearts are far from Him.

  • Scripture Reference: Isaiah 58:8-9 emphasizes that when we align with God’s will, our light will break forth like the dawn, and the Lord will answer our calls. This passage challenges us to examine our motives and ensure that our actions are rooted in a genuine desire to know and serve God.

Study: To Love and Know God

To truly know God, we must study His word and understand His desires for our lives. This involves moving beyond surface-level practices and diving deep into Scripture to discover God’s heart. The Bible is not just a book of rules; it is a revelation of God’s character and His love for us. By studying Scripture, we learn about God’s faithfulness, mercy, and justice, which in turn shapes our understanding of how we should live.

  • Scripture Reference: Psalm 119:10-11 encourages us to seek God with all our hearts and hide His word in our hearts. This means making a conscious effort to engage with Scripture regularly, allowing it to transform our minds and hearts.

Share: To Know and Love Others

God calls us to partner with Him in the world by loving others and sharing His story. This means going beyond our comfort zones to reach out to those who haven’t heard the gospel. Sharing our faith is not about imposing our beliefs on others but about inviting them into a relationship with the God who loves them.

  • Scripture Reference: Matthew 25:35-40 reminds us that when we serve the least of these, we are serving Christ Himself. This passage challenges us to see the face of Christ in those around us and to respond with compassion and love.

Serve: Love in Action

Our faith is demonstrated through our actions. God challenges us to spend ourselves on behalf of the poor and to love others as He loves us. Serving others is not just a duty; it is a privilege and a reflection of God’s love in action.

  • Scripture Reference: James 1:27 defines pure religion as caring for orphans and widows in their distress. This verse reminds us that true faith is not just about what we believe but about how we live out those beliefs in practical ways.

Conclusion At Lakeview Christian Church, we are committed to living out our faith authentically. By aligning our hearts with God’s will and serving others, we can truly be the change in our communities. Let us strive to be a church that is known not just for our religious practices but for our genuine love for God and others. As we seek to live out our mission, may we be a light in the darkness, reflecting the love and grace of Jesus to a world in need.



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