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New to faith and just checking things out? Learn what you can expect when you visit Lakeview Christian Church.
What to ExpectThe Book of Luke
We're continuing our journey through Luke's account, moving beyond the familiar Christmas story to explore Jesus' early years...
Watch SermonsStories
Hear from a few of our members and learn about their amazing testimonials and how their faith has transformed their outlook on life.
Watch StoriesConnecting People to Jesus’ Love to be Positively Changed and to be the Change.
Lakeview Christian Church is in the Portage Lakes region and our hope is to be a Christ centered community seeking to walk in the compassionate way of Jesus, where all people find belonging. Join us to be changed and to help be the change.
Here at Lakeview Christian Church, we believe that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the best thing that you can ever find!
We understand relationships with others, take just 3 elements to be in a healthy relationship.
Study Groups
Embark on a journey of faith exploration in our vibrant study groups. Delve into the depths of scripture through Bible studies, broaden your theological understanding in engaging classes, and discover practical insights for daily life through thought-provoking book discussions.
Connect with fellow believers in a supportive community, fostering meaningful relationships and growing closer to God together.
Share Groups
We want to be a place where people are loved and feel like they belong. This allows individuals to connect to other believers so that they can “do life together.”
Whether you're joining a lively quilting circle, embarking on a group adventure, or simply sharing a meal and conversation, you'll find a warm welcome and a sense of belonging among our welcoming members.
Serve Opportunities
Serve groups are the heartbeat of our community, offering a powerful way to put our faith into action and demonstrate God's love in our world.
Through a variety of engaging opportunities, we come together to serve our neighbors, both near and far, and make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Stay in the Loop
Connect with us on social media and always stay up-to-date on the latest happenings at Lakeview Christian Church.
Quick Thoughts
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt: Discovering Wisdom in Proverbs
The benefits of seeking wisdom are numerous. Proverbs 3:13-18 tells us that wisdom is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. It is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Students Anchored in God: His Good Plans For Us
The young people at camp saw this truth come to life. Students shared testimonies of how God had spoken to them, providing clarity and direction for their lives. They learned to surrender their own plans and trust in God’s perfect timing and wisdom, to be anchored in His word.
Youth and Their Exciting Role in God’s Kingdom
In a world where youth are frequently confused or uncertain about the future, it is refreshing and deeply encouraging to witness a generation of young people who are gladly choosing to let God define their identity and purpose.
Wisdom: More Than Just Knowledge
The point he is making is that life comes with challenges, and we would be wise to seek the help and knowledge of someone who has right knowledge and skill for the situation we find ourselves in. By studying God’s word and wisdom, we eventually will become better and more skilled ourselves at applying wisdom.
The Long Game: Making Choices with Eternity in Mind
Too many times, we make those quick decisions that we feel we need to do right now. Whether it’s a financial choice, a relationship decision, or even a career move, the urgency of the moment can cloud our judgment.
Experience Life Change Through Jesus’ Love
we believe in the transformative power of Jesus’ love. Every day, we are presented with the opportunity to change our lives in response to this divine love. As a church, we work together to accomplish our mission to “Change Lives Through Jesus’ Love”.
Wisdom: Powerful Advice At Your Fingertips
The Bible offers a wealth of wisdom literature just waiting to be read. While Proverbs is often the go-to source for biblical wisdom, it includes other books such as Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon which also fall under the category of wisdom literature. These books were written by sages and are designed to impart wisdom, helping those who read them to know how to handle various situations and specific conditions in life.
God’s Trustworthy Advice for Parents and Children
God has provides parents with wisdom on how to raise healthy, godly children, as well as instructions for children on how to behave toward their parents.