Re-Opening June 7th

Service times are as follows:

Classic – 8:30aRSVP
Modern 1 – 9:40a – RSVP
Modern 2 – 10:50aRSVP

Please remember to RSVP on Eventbrite so that you can reserve your seat! Links will be posted to each Eventbrite service, once they are made available. Please check back regularly or search for “Lakeview Christian Church” on Eventbrite.

Re-Entry Plan

Times are changing, we all know it and with change brings many of the things we have been talking about in our sermons series, “Conquering Chaos.” Fear, frustration, worry and even anger as we talk about the future and what it looks like. We don’t exactly know but we serve the One who does! We are reminded in Joshua 1:9 (a verse we’ve seen and heard many times), “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

In all this crisis, we are turning to God for the real answers, and we hope and pray as we re-enter the building you will be on your knees with us all the more as we seek divine wisdom first while trying to adhere to guidelines designed to keep us safe.

We are hoping to give you planting of details about our “re-entry plan,” while not overwhelming you with too many. Be assured we have read many articles, watched several webinars and talked with multiple churches about the safest and best way to re-enter into our building and into corporate worship. We have put a team of members together to assist in this plan and help keep us on the straight and narrow while we strive to protect one another and still re-enter into corporate worship.

Our basic approach is this: Crawl – Walk – Run. Along the way we will continually be taking safe baby steps so we can move forward into what will appear to be a “new normal.” Obviously, we would love to turn back the hands of time and start over again before this virus but we cannot. It is here to stay and as much as it has already affected/changed our lives I think it will continue to do so for years to come. If at any time. You have questions or concerns don’t hesitate to call and speak with me, we want to hear from you! But also, please be patient with us as we navigate these new waters with you while following strict guidelines set by the CDC, Our State Government and even our Insurance Company.

We have already been in the CRAWL STAGE of our plan for the last two months: Online services have consumed much of our time and we have spent them money needed to make this new ministry a key component as we move forward; Our building has been cleaned and sanitized, room by room to get ready for the next phase; new touch free faucets have been installed on all hand washing sinks; last but not least Purell dispensers have been placed around the building to be used by you and our staff to keep hands “germ free.” (that is until our supply runs out – then we may need help finding pump ones.)

Next we move to BABY STEPS, which is where we are in June. We will be returning to the building for corporate worship on June 7th. What will this look like? Some things will look and feel the same, others…quite a bit different.

  1. We are asking you to help us by taking your temperature before leaving home, both yours and the entire family. Several churches we have talked to are actually taking temps at the door, we feel this is something we can all do, before we leave the home. We will have a Thermometer handy if we must use it.
  2. Please RSVP to all three (Yes, three services). Call the church office (M-F) form 8:30am-12:30pm, or go to (search for Lakeview Christian Church, the service you want to attend and RSVP).
    WHY? Seating is limited (80-90/service) so we can abide with the Social Distancing guidelines. Families will be permitted to sit together but please refrain from moving chairs, unless absolutely necessary and then be sure to move them back after the service.
  3. Entrance/Exit doors will be clearly marked. Main entrance doors – IN ONLY, Social Hall doors – EXIT ONLY. Handicapped/Seniors are encouraged to park out back and someone will let you in, once again IN/OUT two different doors.
  4. Masks are not required, but recommended especially when moving throughout the hallways, although once our children’s classes start back up, they may be in classroom settings.
  5. No Children’s Classes (We will provide a nursery during the 9:40a & 10:50a Modern services ONLY). We will be stating some online learning Bible teaching for our little ones + watch for a summer Virtual VBS Program where kids can earn prizes and awards. Reward party in August for all those who complete the program!
  6. No Coffee or refreshments will be served or provided until we get further into our plan (BYO).

July and August will be changing times as we hope to WALK and JOG longer and faster each week. These phases are flexible and may move faster as or slower depending on our condition as a community ask as a state! During these times we hope to increase numbers in our worship services, our small groups and possibly restart our Toddler programs holding off on K-5 until the Fall.

When we start to RUN truly depends on all of us! Keeping one another safe is our main priority and if it means stepping back or moving forward in our plan this is definitely okay with our leadership. We hope by Fall to have all our classes, for all ages started back up but in order to do that we may need more teachers along the way.

Once again, thank you for your patience and support during this unprecedented time in America’s history. We will get through this together by doing what the church as a body does best…loving one another!


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