focus video splash

We all deal with distractions; some big and overwhelming, others small yet still impactful when it comes to our faith. So how do we avoid this? Hebrews 12:2 answers to look to Jesus the Founder and Perfecter of our Faith. 

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

focus video splash

Have you ever feel worn down, too busy, and distant from God? If you are like most people, feelings like these are fairly normal for the world we live in. This month we are diving into scripture to remind us that we all must FOCUS on the things from above that bring life not tear us down.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange First time here?

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summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

summer of adventure video splash

Summer will always be linked to taking adventures to theme parks especially here in Ohio. This summer we are taking our adventure in the same direction; each week will will compare a different aspect of how life and faith can be similar to adventures in a theme park.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange