Everyone loves a good story! Fortunately for us Jesus knew that. Throughout the Gospel He used many familiar and relatable objects to teach a point and challenge not just the peoples thinking of Bible times but us still today. Join us as we start into our summer series learning from the Greatest Storyteller in history. #Parables #Storyteller #Foundation
True Leadership is unmistakable and leaves a marked difference after the fact. Jesus was and is the ultimate example for this in the legacy He left (The Church). Join us as we finish up this series on hot to Lead Like Jesus!
Actions speak louder than words! Jesus calls us all to lead in some capacity and so our actions and habits must hold true to reflect Him. Join us as we continue to pull wisdom from Who Jesus is to how we are called to live in order to lead other to Christ.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
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Leadership not only takes heart but it takes the proper knowledge and how-to to persevere and overcome. Join us this weekend as we explore what the head of a leader looks like. #LeadLikeJesus
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
Everyone wants to be the “boss”, the one calling the shots. Join us for this coming series as we draw what REAL LEADERSHIP looks like starting with having “The Heart of a Leader”. #LeadLikeJesus
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Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
Everyone wants to be the “boss”, the one calling the shots. Join us for this coming series as we draw what REAL LEADERSHIP looks like starting with having “The Heart of a Leader”. #LeadLikeJesus
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Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
Easter may have come and gone and much like the disciples we are left wondering what’s next? Join us as we find Jesus’ answer to that question and are passed the proverbial baton. #ExperienceEaster
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Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
Join us this Weekend as we experience the Easter story of Jesus paying the price of our sin with HIs blood and the hope that comes from an empty tomb and a risen Savior! #ExperienceEaster
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Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
We live in a culture of immediate gratification where a few seconds to wait for a web page to load or even a few minutes to wait at a restaurant can become unbearable. We are all guilty of being bad at waiting… Join us as we start to Experience Easter this weekend and talk about the long awaited arrival of the Messiah. #ExperienceEaster
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Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
When it comes to being like Jesus we know that we are called to be loving, patient, and full of joy and those things are almost always looked at in our society positively. However the act of being gentle sometimes is not what people aspire to be. Join us this weekend as we see exactly what Jesus meant and expects of us if we are to be Gentle like him.
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Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange