![Messages 1 the kingdom of god video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/the-kingdom-of-god-video-splash.png)
After Jesus had revealed to the crowds a glimpse of what The Kingdom of God looks like through many signs and wonders we get introduced to a teaching style that we know as Parables. These short and relatable stories were not always easy to understand and were even intended to thin the crowd.
Why might Jesus do this? Join us this week as we discover why Jesus might have intentionally spoke in what seemed like riddles.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
![Messages 2 the kingdom of god video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/the-kingdom-of-god-video-splash.png)
Jesus was in known for many things during His time spent on earth, of those the spectacular healings and miracles were probably the most impactful. A lot of the time it wasn’t so much about the actual healing but it was about the heart and faith behind the person asking to be healed.
“We all need to courageously approach the throne of grace, and in obedience to God’s word give our lives to Him unto salvation, and surrender to serve His Kingdom.”
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #bethechange
![Messages 3 the kingdom of god video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/the-kingdom-of-god-video-splash.png)
We live in a world where worry and anxiety run rampant. Jesus has some hope for all of us that struggle with worry or anxiety. Join us as we continue to look at the book of Matthew and one of Jesus’ best known sermons. “The Key to eliminating worry is taking God from under the pile of hay where we sometimes try to keep Him, and put him back in the most important of places in our lives”.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange First time here? Want to know whats going on?
![Messages 4 the kingdom of god video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/the-kingdom-of-god-video-splash.png)
What the Kingdom of God was vs. what the Kingdom of God was expected to be were two entirely different things. Join us as we look at the introduction of the kingdom and what that mean for the hearers of Jesus’ famous words on the mount.
“Jesus wants His audience to know the true Kingdom of God looks nothing like what they expected”.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
![Messages 5 the kingdom of god video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/the-kingdom-of-god-video-splash.png)
“The way you view Jesus matters… it shapes both how you think about and respond to Him.”
Join us as we dive deep into the gospel of Matthew and specifically look at how Jesus not only fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies but that he was a continuation and completion of God’s original kingdom.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
![Messages 6 chameleon video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/chameleon-video-splash.png)
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
![Messages 7 chameleon video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/chameleon-video-splash.png)
![Messages 8 chameleon video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/chameleon-video-splash.png)
If GOD can turn a Saul into a Paul then just imagine what HE can do with YOU!
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
![Messages 9 chameleon video splash](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/chameleon-video-splash.png)
Join us for this fun and thought provoking series to start 2023 off strong. Most of us if we are honest, would rather fit in than stick out. This is human nature, however God calls his children to something different.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange
![Messages 10 New Years 2023](https://www.lakeviewcc.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/new-year-2023-video-splash.jpg)
Happy New Year! Join us this weekend as we take a look at a great story of Jesus and what it might mean for your 2023.
Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange