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Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior on Christmas Morning by opening and exploring the four best gifts ever given. 

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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Darkness seems like it is everywhere, it can be consuming and lead us to struggle with finding hope and wrestling with depression and anxiety. Maybe you can relate? Join us in celebrating real hope this Christmas Eve @ 4p & 6p.

“This holy night, in which a baby was born, a light shone through the darkness, led to an act of love that can never be repaid, and does not have to be… For Jesus was born to die!.”

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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When the circumstances you see around you look hopeless… remember that God is always working behind the scenes.”

Join us this weekend as we celebrate the birth narrative and begin to prepare for Christmas. 

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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“Even When it appears that God is silent in our lives, when things feel the darkest, He is still in control!”

Christmas decorations and celebrations usually all include some pretty predictable styles and looks. These include Christmas colors, lights and ornaments, nativity scenes, stars, and in the focus of today Angels. Join us this weekend as we look at God’s messengers in the story as they reveal God working in the midst of a dark time. 

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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God may not always deliver in your time but is always on time. Join us this weekend as we look at some of the promises in OT prophecy that all came true in the birth of Jesus.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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Even when all hope seems lost and darkness seems like it is closing in, God is still good and always keeps His promises.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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Gratitude Video Splash

What if we focused on the things that UNITE US as much as the things that divide us? 

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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To grumble and complain is to reject the Grace of God! Join us this weekend as we intentionally try to avoid grumbling in our lives and focus on being grateful for what God provides.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange

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Gratitude is a fundamental ingredient to a deep and meaningful life. Join us for this series as we intentionally look at the things in our lives that God has provided that we tend to take for granted.

Changing Lives Through Jesus’ Love #BeTheChange