Sermon Series

The Book of James: Faith and Works

The book of James featured image

The Book of James; Faith and Works – Week 6

September 11th, 2022

Patience is a virtue and it is also really hard to learn or sustain sometimes. Join us as we close out our series on the […]

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The Book of James; Faith and Works – Week 5

September 4th, 2022

We all are aware of the phrase “Pride comes before the fall”. The book of James reminds its hearers of that same premise and gives […]

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The Book of James; Faith and Works – Week 4

August 28th, 2022

“Open mouth, insert foot” is a common phrase uttered when someone is quick to speak or speaks without thought. The book of James is full […]

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The Book of James; Faith and Works Week 3

August 21st, 2022

Having faith in Jesus is a great thing but we as followers of Christ are not just charge with having faith alone. Join us this […]

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The Book of James; Faith and Works Week 2

August 14th, 2022

Join us this weekend as we study and exercise a vital and quite often overlooked trait of a healthy Christ-following life; LISTENING and then DOING.

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The Book of James: Faith and Works Week 1

August 7th, 2022

James is one of the most applicable books of the New testament in how our faith plays itself out in our everyday lives. Join […]