Embracing Our Spiritual Gifts for Joyful Service


At Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, we believe that Jesus changes everything. This transformation is not just a one-time event but a continuous journey of growth and service. Our mission, “Be the Change as Jesus Has Changed Us,” is lived out through our “Just 3” principles: Study, Share, and Serve. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of using our spiritual gifts, as highlighted in Jim’s recent sermon, and how doing so can bring us the greatest joy.

Understanding Spiritual Gifts

In Romans 12:6-8, Paul lists various spiritual gifts and emphasizes the importance of using them: “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.” This is a call to action for every believer. We are not to let our gifts sit idle but to actively employ them in service to God and others.

The Joy of Using Our Gifts

Jim pointed out that when we don’t use our gifts, we often find ourselves doing things that don’t bring us joy. This can make the Christian walk feel tough and burdensome. However, when we engage in activities that align with our God-given gifts, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and joy. This is because we are operating in the way God designed us to.

A Closer Look at the Gifts

Paul’s list in Romans 12 is not exhaustive, but it gives us a good starting point:

  1. Prophecy: Speaking the truth of God in alignment with our faith. This is not just about foretelling the future but about proclaiming God’s Word. If you have a testimony to share, don’t ignore this calling. Your words can inspire and uplift others.
  2. Service: Helping to meet practical needs. Galatians 5:13 reminds us, “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Serving others is a tangible way to express God’s love.
  3. Teaching: Imparting knowledge and wisdom. Whether it’s teaching children, youth, or adults, this gift is crucial for the growth of the church.
  4. Exhortation: Encouraging and uplifting others. We all need encouragement in our faith journey. Be a Barnabas, a “son of encouragement,” to those around you.
  5. Giving: Contributing generously. As 1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” Your generosity can make a significant impact.
  6. Leadership: Guiding and directing others. Effective leadership is essential for the church’s mission. Lead with zeal and passion.
  7. Mercy: Showing compassion and kindness. Jesus set the ultimate example of mercy. Matthew 20:25-28 tells us, “But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Diversity in Unity

We are all different, and that’s a beautiful thing. Our unique gifts bring us closer to others and help us serve in various capacities. As members of one body, we are always there for one another, not just on Sundays but every day of the week. This unity in diversity is what makes the body of Christ so powerful.

Living Out Our Mission

At Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, we live out our mission through our “Just 3” principles:

  1. Study: To love and know God. Engage in regular Bible study and prayer to deepen your relationship with Him.
  2. Share: To know and love others. Use your gifts to build relationships and share the love of Christ.
  3. Serve: Love in action. Put your gifts into practice by serving in the church and the community.


Using our spiritual gifts is not just a duty but a source of immense joy. When we align our actions with God’s design for us, we experience the fullness of life that Jesus promised. Let’s embrace our gifts and live out our mission to “Be the Change as Jesus Has Changed Us.”


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