Hurricane Relief for Asheville, NC
Lakeview Christian Church is partnering with NOBPA  to collect and deliver essential supplies to hurricane victims in Asheville, NC.

The Unfathomable Love of God

Current Sermon Series: Proverbs - The Way of Wisdom

A Reflection on Sacrifice and Grace

In the quiet moments of our lives when we pause to reflect on the enormity of God’s love, we will often be left in awe. When we gather to worship, we are reminded of the immense truth that it is not by our own efforts, but by the boundless grace and work of God that we have any hope of eternity with Him. This realization is both humbling and uplifting, as it shifts our focus from our own inadequacies to the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Our worship leader, Tyler, prayed, “God, we thank you that you have given us your love enough to die on a cross.” What an incredible act of love for us! These words resonate so deeply within us, reminding us of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. The cross, a symbol of suffering and shame, was transformed into a symbol of hope, love, and redemption through the love of Christ. It is through His death and resurrection that we are offered the gift of eternal life.

When we meet as fellow believers, we are encouraged to remember that our salvation is not something we could have ever earned. It is a gift, freely given that we receive through faith. As we worship, we must keep this truth at the forefront of our minds when we share in the remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. We give thanks for the grace that has been extended to us and anyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior.

Communion: A Time of Reflection and Gratitude

Communion is a sacred act of remembrance and gratitude. It is a time when we come together as a community of believers to reflect on what Jesus did and to give thanks for the grace that has been poured out upon us. As we partake in the bread and the cup, we are reminded of the body that was broken and the blood that was shed for our sins.

“We thank Jesus for his sacrifice for doing what we couldn’t do for ourselves,” Tyler said. Tyler’s prayer captures the essence of communion. It is a time to acknowledge our own inability to save ourselves and to express our gratitude for the work that Christ has done on our behalf. People often believe that by being good they will go to Heaven. But the Bible says no good works could ever accomplish that.

The Tug of the Holy Spirit

Tyler stated that some of us may feel a tug on our hearts, a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit. It is a call to draw closer to God, to surrender your life to Him, and to accept the gift of salvation that He offers. During worship, we pray that anyone that may feel a tug that they would respond to this and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If they are new to hearing God’s word, it is recommended they talk to an elder or pastor to answer any questions they may have about becoming a follower of Jesus. But no one should ignore this nudge but instead reach out toward God.

God is always reaching out to us, inviting us into a deeper relationship with Him. It is an invitation to respond to His call and open our hearts to His love, and to allow Him to transform our lives. And with this transformation, we can tell others how Christ can change their life, too.

The Futility of Self-Reliance

As human beings, we often fall into the trap of self-reliance. We try to figure things out on our own, to solve our problems through our own efforts, and to find our own way in the world. But the truth is, we cannot do it on our own. Tyler prayed, “God, we try so hard to figure it out ourselves and we can’t…Only you can.”

And Tyler is right, The acknowledgment of our own limitations is a crucial step in our spiritual journey. It is a recognition that we need God, that we cannot save ourselves, and that only through God’s grace can we find true peace and fulfillment. It is a call to surrender our lives, to trust in His wisdom and guidance, and to rely on His strength rather than our own.

Living in the Light of God’s Grace

As we think about these truths, they remind us to live in God’s grace, His freedom. This means embracing the gift of salvation, walking in that freedom which Christ has won for us, and sharing His love with others. It means living lives that are marked by gratitude, humility, and a deep sense of purpose which each one of us has.

In a world that is often self-centered, living in the light of God’s grace is a radical act. It is a declaration that we are not our own, that we belong to God, and that our lives are to be lived for His glory, not selfish ambition or pleasure. It is a commitment to follow Jesus, to love others as He has loved us, and to be His hands and feet in a broken and hurting world.

A Call to Action

We are invited to respond to God’s call, to surrender our lives to Him, and to live for Him. For those who feel the tug of the Holy Spirit, this is an opportunity to take a step of faith, to trust in God’s promises and to experience the fullness of His love and forgiveness.

Let’s carry with us the truth that it is not by our own efforts, but by the work of Christ, that we are saved and have any claim to eternity with God. Let’s live lives that are marked by gratitude, love, humility, and a deep sense of purpose. And let’s share the great news of Christ with others and invite them to experience the grace and redemption that we have found.

Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes invites you to join us in this Sunday. Together, we can experience God’s Grace and share the love of Jesus with those around us.



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