Restoration: Amazing Unity of Broken Pieces Under Christ’s Love<3

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“Embracing Unity and Love as Followers of Jesus and Experience His Restoring Power”

In Jim’s poignant sermon, we’re reminded of the powerful call to unity in Christ. He emphasizes the importance of bringing together all the broken and fragmented pieces of our lives under the banner of Jesus Christ. As members of Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes, we are called to unify people in one faith, one Lord, and one Savior, fighting for the restoration and unity that Jesus prayed for in the garden.

The Call to Unity

Jesus’ prayer for unity, as recorded in John 17, underscores the importance of believers being united in Him. He prayed that we may be one, just as He and the Father are one, so that the world may believe. This prayer echoes down through the ages, calling us to unity in Christ. Our mission is clear: to unite people under the banner of Jesus Christ, demonstrating His love and grace to the world.

Restoring Brokenness

At the heart of the Christian message is the concept of restoration. Jesus takes all that is broken—our lives, our relationships, our communities—and restores them. Just as a skilled artisan can take broken pieces and transform them into something beautiful, Jesus takes our brokenness and makes us whole again. This restoration is not just about fixing what is broken; it’s about transforming it into something new and beautiful.

The Power of Restoration Stories

One powerful way to understand the concept of restoration is through stories of restoration in our own lives and in the world around us. Consider the story of a dilapidated old building that is restored to its former glory. Through the dedication of skilled craftsmen and the investment of time and resources, what was once a ruin becomes a shining example of beauty and craftsmanship. In the same way, Jesus takes our brokenness and transforms it into something beautiful.

Embracing Love and Unity

As followers of Jesus, we are called to live lives characterized by love and unity. Jesus Himself said, “By this all men will know that you are my followers if you have love for one another.” Our love for one another is a powerful testimony to the world of the transformative power of Jesus Christ. As Jim reminds us, the world is watching, and our actions speak louder than words. Let us live out the love and unity that we’ve been called to, sharing that love with the world around us.

A Call to Action

Let’s commit to being agents of restoration and unity in our world today. Let’s seek to bring together all the broken and fragmented pieces of our lives and communities under the banner of Jesus Christ. And let’s share the love and unity that we’ve found in Him with those around us. As we do, we will be living out the true calling of followers of Jesus—to be a light in a dark world, bringing hope and restoration wherever we go.

Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes invites you to join us in this journey of restoration and unity. Together, let’s embrace the transformative power of Jesus Christ and share His love with a broken and hurting world. It is only through Jesus that healing and restoration can truly be found. Lakeview Christian Church of Portage Lakes has a Thursday evening service that demonstrates many of the ways we look for this restoration and wholeness in other things and how they always fall short. We invite you not just on Sunday mornings but on Thursday evenings for our celebration of recovery as well.



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